Friday, December 23, 2011

weekend (2011). directed by andrew haigh.

i watched this film yesterday after finishing runs of simulation which i have been doing for days now. had maggi noodles as i was too lazy to cook. 

and then i watched weekend. this is just my opinion. in general, gay people are divided into two groups:

1. out and proud
2. not out and not proud

here we have two gay men having a fun night out, expecting nothing more than sex. but they had more than sex. they talked. they get to know each other. and it seemed they like each other more than just mere fuck buddies. that reveals the kind of gay guys they are - the out and proud, and the shy not-so-out-and-not-so-proud. the conversations they had could have taken place in any bedroom of any couple who had just gotten to know each other - be them gay or straight - their curiosity fencing off with different personal opinions, trying to convince each other "this is me" but hiding personal anxieties at the same time. 

i think this movie works in portraying how "normal" gay people are. not that they are not normal in the first place. but we live in a strange world that is short of approval of anything less than different. 


  1. Could there be a third category of "In or out it ain't any of your business unless we gonna bonk"?


    I find that European cinema deals with homosexuality in a more frank and matter-of-fact manner that is vastly appealing to Hollywood's tittering-behind-hands or imbuing gay characters with over-heroism that is nauseating because the heroism isn't because he/she isn't a good person, but rather an aspect of their sexuality.

    I get that sexual identity is integral to everyone, but does everything have to be attributed to it? He is good at picking clothes because he's gay and not because he has a good eye for colour? She is athletic because she's a lesbian and everyone knows dykes secretly wants to be a man. Are the gay community perpetuating these stereotypes or would they like to show that gay people are just as heterogenous as straight people?

  2. i think it is what the this film is trying to explore. it's about two ppl hooking up (everybody does kan) and find themselves falling for each other. perhaps rships dont have to be so complicated - but we are people and we always complicate things no matter what. issues like coming out which is pertinent with being gay is still intrinsic in many ways, because it is almost always impossible to lead an honest life if you are stuck in the closet.

    u bring up an important point abt heroism depicted in hollywood movies abt gay ppl..that makes the mistake of that being gay overtake everything else about a person. i guess that's why i find myself shying away from hollywood-gay films..come on la..i want to see ordinary (gay) ppl struggling with their ordinary (gay) life..nobody has to be a hero at the end of the day so long u can just be u.
