Saturday, December 3, 2011

my week with marilyn (2011). directed by simon curtis.

michelle williams is glowing gold with that platinum hairdo. the movie is great, the cast is superb. williams is astounding. i watched it yesterday for fear that it will be yanked out of the cinema soon. it is about the famous marilyn monroe, and i love that the story peels the reasons behind her professional life instead of focusing on her personal life like most biopic tends to do. she takes acting seriously despite the dumb blonde look that she has, and actually tries very hard to be a better actress. 

the story obviously is told from the male point of view who can't help but falls under her spell - she is a beautiful sweet girl and a sex bomb full grown woman at the same time, seems worldly even though she is often lost and in tatters when dealing with stresses of the real world - in short, she is the ultimate damsel in distress that triggers the male instinct of protection. and men respond to that - some feel it is too much of a responsibility, like her third husband arthur miller reacted; others feel it is their call to rescue her, like that of colin clark, the 23 year old third assistant director in which the movie is based on. me? i think if i see a woman like that, i'd totally hate her - because she is the total opposite that i could never be, in fact men make it their point to let me do things on my own because i am independent. well, i am, but all ladies want to be treated like a lady if given a choice. 

let me say this again, williams is so good in this movie. she captures the little girl lost of marilyn monroe, the beautiful woman whose insecurities could only be matched with her constant need of approval - she is the woman who only wants to be loved, who puts a picture of abraham lincoln by her bed side table because she doesn't have a father and lincoln is as good as any. which is sad, and i am partially sympathetic to her plight that drives her to act the way she does. 


  1. An interesting take on her; I am never comfortable watching any Marilyn Monroe biopic. What R read about her gave me the feeling that since she felt abandoned by her father, she was constantly looking for male approval and affection. And like many girls, she fell into the trap of having to offer her body to get the love that she craved. I feel sorry for her so intensely because in all her movies, it is so obvious that she tries and tries and tries to be what the men want (sex kitten, breathless ingenue etc)that she had to submerge what she needs and wants. Maybe it's her acting (which is okay, but not that great), but the honesty of her desires (for true affection and sincerity) shines through.

    I don't think I'm projecting here since I am NOTHING like her.

    I had no sympathies for Arthur Miller for all his complains about his marriage to her. For one, he was old enough to know better and one would think that his introspection about human nature would help him accommodate her needs. He thought he could play Pygmalion/knight-in-shining-armour when what he needed was a woman who could meet him on equal ground. You don't marry a kanak-kanak and ask for scintillating conversation immediately, okay? That is something you gotta cultivate.

    In all her marriage and relationships, I cannot help but feel like she was exploited because there is this naivety in her that those men are sincere about loving her when it is obvious in their eyes she is nothing more than a trophy, an arm candy, something for bragging rights. And this is a cycle that keeps going on in front of us, happening to people we know because there are a lot of girls out there who are thirsty for their father's love.

  2. soooo are you going to watch this movie or not? haha. aku tak pernah tgk any of monroe's i don't know what she's like..tho judging from her very famous poster in the seven year itch..she's really playing up the sex goddess mode and most prolly did just that throughout her career. williams performance is commanding tho and makes the movie worth watching (i know, i know, she used to be in dawson creek..but you can overlook that fact for now).

  3. I don't think I will look the movie up, though I am sure it is a good one. I cannot help but remember Michelle Williams with that awful haircut and wooden delivery in Dawson Creek (and I only watch the clips with Jensen in it!). *shudder
