Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the machinist (2004). directed by brad anderson.

he is gaunt and too thin for his 6 ft frame. he can't sleep, must have been for a long time now. you will immediately feel sorry for him, something is eating up this man mercilessly, in fact, if this is the price he has to pay for whatever wrong doing in the past, you'll say, enough already. he seems like a regular guy if not for the anorexic body, but something is wrong. his co-workers avoided him, hated him actually. we don't know why. the director is dropping little hints here and there - in his apartment, what about a big guy following him around and he doesn't look pleasant to be with.  the atmosphere is bleak, there is no sun. the only ray of hope comes in the form of a single mother and her son, whom the thin guy enjoys spending time with. something is bothering him though - something. 

director brad anderson weaves a tale of regret that literally eats a person up. christian bale famously lost 63 lbs for the role, and by the end of the movie, you will throw your hands up in the air and cry - for the love of god man, stop punishing yourself. we forgive you. forgive yourself. now eat. and sleep. 

and that's all that he wants. to be free from guilt. to be free from illusions that things done in the past can be fixed. you can only forgive and live with your sins. and then you can sleep. 

such a simple pleasure to earn, isn't it? think again the next time when you can't sleep. it can eat you alive. 

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