Saturday, October 15, 2011

the ides of march (2011). directed by george clooney.

anyone familiar with shakespeare's julius ceaser would recognized the ides of march as the date of caesar's assassination. before watching the movie i thought something important is about to happen on march 15, but, not really. 

it is more about the intrigues, back stabbing, lies and desperation common to this thing we all know as politics. i enjoyed the story, and it mirrored closely of current events as we speak. we sort of know who are they talking about, in fact we are not surprised if this sort of thing happened as we naively want to believe that there is honesty and integrity in the democratic process of election. 

the film has two actors i like very much, phillip seymour hoffman and paul giamatti. they are seasoned campaigners who would do anything to win the ohio primary, in contrast to the young idealist ryan gosling who insisted he need to believe in something or the candidate in order to serve the cause. wrong. idealism is dead the moment one is threatened - as the story insisted - there is no integrity to be found, anywhere.

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