Sunday, May 29, 2011

a bittersweet life (2005) (dalkomhan insaeng (original title)). directed by jee-woon kim.

after watching such a breathtaking direction and intense acting as in this film, i often wonder, will we ever get there? kim soon-woo is a thug who is loyal to the bone to his sadistic boss. one day, the boss offered him to look after his young girlfriend as he is going to be away on a business trip. kim is shy and appears to have no life outside managing nightclubs and beating people to a pulp. little did he know that the 2 days errand of watching over a young girl would make him question the price of his loyalty and set off an catastrophic chain of events that will kill them all. it could have been simpler, had ego and jealousy; the beasts of the human heart, could be tamed. alas. 

the beautiful thing about this film are the subtleties - the direction, the acting. it makes me understand without telling me directly. it respects its audience because we are all human, and despite barriers in language and culture, the human heart is the thing that all of us share. 


  1. Most Korean movies do have the same plot.

  2. it takes more than plot to make a great film :)

  3. ah ada gak something korean u like hehe

  4. aiyda: i do. but no-no to teeny-boppers :P
