Wednesday, September 21, 2011

happy together (1997). directed by wong kar wai.

i watched this movie years ago in the middle of the night, alone. it is one of those nights in which i can't sleep and the only way to pass time is to watch something that would put me to sleep. happy together (1997) ain't that kind of movie. 

i watched my own break up, in motion. painful shit, i tell you. once upon a time. 

 i've bought it for a long time knowing it was wong kar wai's work but i just couldn't find the right time to watch it. it was an absorbing film - while the protagonists are gay men (tony leung and leslie cheung) it is not so much about gay men per se, it is about two people trying to save a disintergrating relationship. they moved from hong kong to beunos aires looking for a reason to fix "them" - from the look of it, a new environment, or rather a change of something external is not exactly the stimulus for an internal change in a relationship. they drifted apart, leung met someone new who is far more stable than cheung. but they are still together, waiting for the final break and nobody wants to call the shot. 

a friend of mine called the end of a relationship as sweet sorrow. this is what it is. when there is no reason to stay, but you are still in it, anyway.


  1. aduh mana nak cari filem2 lama camni...wong kar wai..sound really familiar..

  2. darkangel: i ada dvd kalau nak pinjam, tapi kena tunggu i balik la nanti :P

  3. we only need fixing if we are broken. this is depressing stuff... Fix is such a word.

    btw, i just dl 2046 few weeks ago.

  4. th: you are right. if you need fixing, then there is nothing to fix.
    darkangle: sure thing :)

  5. LBGT try to watch Eyes Wide Open & A Love to Hide if u never.

  6. may i ask what is LBGT? or do you mean LGBT?

    i will look out for the films you mentioned above. i think it is interesting that you watch many foreign films and it should give you a wider appreciation of different film making and story telling.

  7. ala sama la tu lebih kurang LGBT/LBGT :). but i think u watch more foreign films than me.

    ... of course!

  8. haha, think we are even on that :)
