Tuesday, September 20, 2011

don't be afraid of the dark (2010). directed by troy nixey.

shoot, i made a mistake of thinking this movie is directed by guillermo del toro of the famously macabre pan's labyrinth (2006) (el laberinto del fauno (original title)). it wasn't him, he wrote the script though however even him, the master of horror, can not salvage the tiresomely overused plot of a haunted house haunting its occupants. i've seen it before so many times that i can't remember a good version of the story. i don't like the cartoonish violence in this movie with scissors and blades sticking out of people, i think it is simply unnecessary. there is not enough back story to it to make me care for the characters, by the end of the movie katie holmes got herself stuck in the small hole in the basement which she then got violently sucked in and eaten by nasty looking fairies. do i care? nahhhhh. never has been a movie whereby guy pearce is totally forgettable.  


  1. citer ni baru tayang kat Msia... going to watch.

  2. this one sucks too...but yeah, let me know what you think after you watch it.

  3. yeah dah tgk... bole la... tapi banyak yg bole dipertikaikan as stated at my blog
