Sunday, October 6, 2013

prisoners (2013). directed by denis villeneuve.

it is not everyday that you can see a helpless, so tough alpha male in the form of hugh jackman. this story is an american small town nightmare of missing children, and the realism it brings in portraying everybody involved has got to be one of its strongest points. the bereaved parents and their unending sadness, their need to do something even though it doesn't really bring anything good, the disintegrating family unit breaking under pressure, the small town cops trying to close the case despite their lack of resources. the lurking evil underneath the banal landscape of suburbia. everybody is stressed out and no one can keep it on their own. the story has a really good cast - hugh jackman and jake gyllenhaal in top form - gyllenhaal slightly over weight with a little tummy - a dilligent cop who doesn't get all the help that he should be but trying to solve the puzzle. 

in a way everybody is in some sort of prison - physically, mentally, emotionally - due to revenge, ambitions, disappointments. the human condition - can be a gloomy one. 

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