Tuesday, February 5, 2013

moonrise kingdom (2012). directed by wes anderson.

wes anderson and his delightfully sad movie about..imperfect people. or just people. the colours is 60's, was it 70's? two children fell in love and decided to run away from their lives - one of them is an orphan who yearn for parents, the other has parents and just could not get along. the children seems to know what they want and what to do - unlike the adults, lost in their dreary lives, not knowing why they exist. they exist for responsibilities that no longer gives meaning let alone joy. the children ran away into the unknown - free from everything - albeit knowing they can only pull this off for a short while. 

it's depressing being children knowing that some day you will lose that sense of endless possibility, and it is equally depressing being adults knowing some day there is no possibility at all. 

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