Thursday, June 28, 2012

abraham lincoln: vampire hunter (2012). directed by timur bekmambetov.

i must be lacking sense of humour to not be entertained by the thought that the great president lincoln deserves a bit of publicity in his honour even through a comical film like this one. i know the film doesn't try to be high brow or anything like that, but still, lincoln axes vampire in his spare time? that the civil war was as much a fight against slavery as well as against a bunch of evil vampires hell bent on taking over the united states of A? you gotta be kidding me. anyway, purely for entertainment value director bekmambetov shows a really agile president with moves unthinkable in the early 19th century. the problem with summer movies like this i often do not find the characters memorable and the story is forgettable too. 

in the context of malaysian audience, i think it is good that they get to see that some people in other parts of the world had practiced free speech hundreds of years ago and it is not dirty to have political conviction and will. 

laugh a bit, will ya? heck, it's summer alright! 

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