Saturday, March 17, 2012

bunohan (2011). directed by dain said.

i never thought i would see the day in which malay movies can a top up a bit of glory like it did in the days of p. ramlee in the 1950s and 1960s. there were promises by yasmin ahmad, though her films are artsy by conventional standards.  by the time i finished watching bunohan, i went, wow that was mind blowing, my disbelief tripled by the time i realized that this is a malaysian production. i loved the direction, the colours and moody cinematography, the fact that the actors trained to speak kelantanese for 2 months (effort people, effort! because it shows!), the melancholy of king lear's tale of a father and his three sons, the poverty of kelantan, the passing of tradition that can not stand the test of time.

great work from dain said. i will definitely look out for his movies in the future.


  1. i must say this is the best movie so far that i've watched this year (kalah the dark knight rises (2012) haha!)

  2. (un)fortunately. which is good cuz that means malaysia has some serious talents :)
