this is not an easy watch. i think after watching micheal haneke, i appreciate more the movies of another director - yasmin ahmad, surprisingly. i used to hate the fact that she has this thing about placing a static camera and observing her actors from afar.
micheal haneke did the same exact thing - observing the daily life of an old couple. they have been married for a long time, they had adult children who have their own lives. i don't know what he does, but she was a piano teacher. their apartment mirrored their life and passion. he is so gentle with her, she is a tad caustic, but i can sense their adoration is mutual and runs deep.
but love, is not love, unless it is thoroughly tested.
it makes me think why the film depicted an old couple, instead of a young couple like a lot of movies out there. i think - in haneke's universe at least - love is something to be earned. it doesn't just exist out of thin air. it is earned with years of commitment, tested with all sorts of situations and challenges imaginable.
the film doesn't sugarcoat the nature of old age and the challenge of illness that comes with it. it is very difficult caring for a sick loved one, especially when they descend to the level of children. sometimes it is not love anymore - it is a mix of despair, self pity and disgust.
i don't know how i will handle it when the time comes.