as a rule i dont watch malay movies at the cinema. i am a fluent malay speaker and yet i often do not understand what a malay movie is about. i often got lost along the way because the characters are not interesting, the story is dull and silly and the direction sucked. and its always the same faces and half of them cant act. anyway, i managed to broke the rule last friday and gave talentime (2008) a shot. i am not a yasmin ahmad's fan by the way. i know she has this indie thing going but it's too basic for me. however this movie showed a huge improvement on her part as a director, and i like that the story is tightly edited and flowed smoothly, something that malay movies could never muster.
this one works in many levels. when the light shuts down one by one, you know despite anything, life goes on. life is full of sadness, but they are not defeated by it. because they have love in their hearts that crowns over something as cancerous as prejudice. i hope we all have that, somewhere in our hearts.