bryan singer's latest effort is a bit of a late down compared to his previous works, culminating in the excellent the usual suspects (other works include x-menI and x-menII). the only praise i can offer is the fantastic photography, which some scenes, such the chaos when the plane is going on a nosedive, ppl endlessly hitting walls, and the one with glass on every building shatters in a sequence were exceptionally good. other than that the story lacked focus, not too mention dragging on scenes that should have been discarded. kevin spacey was grossly underutilised that he was unable to be an effective lex luthor, not really menacing or evil or genius or mad, cuz the affection for classical music is an overemphasized crazy person trait. i like classical music and i can tell the difference between max bruch and felix mendelssohn and ludwig van and god loved one and im not mad, in most ways. insufficient characterization of major characters kills the film. average grade is C.